
,Twoyoungsoldiers,Bartle(21)andMurph(18)navigatetheterrorsoftheIraqwarunderthecommandoftheolder,troubledSergeantSterling.,TheYellowBirds(2017)castandcrewcredits,includingactors,actresses,directors,writersandmore.,ThestoryisabouttwoyoungU.S.soldierswhonavigatetheterrorsoftheIraqWar.Whenonlyoneofthesoldiersreturnshome,heistorturedbyapromisehe ...,Afterbondingwithafellowsoldier,battle-scarredBart...

The Yellow Birds (2017)

Two young soldiers, Bartle (21) and Murph (18) navigate the terrors of the Iraq war under the command of the older, troubled Sergeant Sterling.

The Yellow Birds (2017)

The Yellow Birds (2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

The Yellow Birds (film)

The story is about two young U.S. soldiers who navigate the terrors of the Iraq War. When only one of the soldiers returns home, he is tortured by a promise he ...

Watch The Yellow Birds

After bonding with a fellow soldier, battle-scarred Bartle returns home from Iraq and becomes rattled by the strange disappearance of his best friend.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
